Friday, January 24, 2020

Affirmative Action Essay -- Affirmative Action Essays

The affirmative action program is important because it gives job opportunities for many people regardless of their race, color, religion, gender, and national origin. The work force should be well represented by the different ethnic backgrounds of our society. Some people look at affirmative action as reverse discrimination, but this program doesn’t guarantee employment based on race, ethnicity, or gender. The affirmative action program gives equal consideration to individuals from a different race, ethnicity, or gender, but not one of these factors may be the only factor used to determine an individual’s qualifications for any job. The biggest dispute of the program is the belief that the policy allows less qualified candidates to progress due to different standards for minorities and non-minorities. People need to realize that affirmative action gives balance in the workplace so that everyone from different ethnic backgrounds would be represented in today’s diverse society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are few social policy issues that gauge the racial and division among the American people than the affirmative action. Affirmative Action is a term referring to the laws and social policies intended to resolve discrimination that limits the opportunities of people regardless of their race, color, religion, gender, and national origin. Supporters and opponents of affirmative action hold strong to their believes and constantly attack the opposing viewpoints. Advocates believe that affirmative action overcomes discrimination, gives qualified minorities a chance to compete on equal footing whites, and provides them with the same opportunities. Opponents claim that affirmative action puts unskilled minorities   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cannon 2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   in positions that they are not qualified for, tarnishes the reputation of minorities that accomplishes success on their own, and violates the Fourteenth Amendment. Since the beginning of affirmative action, the definition has been ever changing in order to satisfy the present beliefs of society. Prohibiting the discrimination in hiring, expanding the filing of application to include more minorities, compensating for past grievances, setting â€Å"quotas† (percentages of a certain type of people that had to be included), have all been part of the definition. As much as many people... ...ould give it a try to acquire a higher education or job training.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everyone knows that college and military recruiters come to high schools to recruit graduating students, but the school faculty really need to go above and beyond their call of duty to educate students about the different types of programs that will enable students to get a higher education or job training after high school. Young Americans need the guidance and assistance to acquire the tools they need to succeed and one of those tools is knowing about affirmative action; not only what affirmative action can do for Americans, but what Americans can do for affirmative action. Works Cited Altschiller, Donald. Affirmative Action. New York: Wilson, 1991. Barbour, Scott, David L Bender, Bruno Leone, Brenda Stalcup, and Mary E. Williams. Discrimination. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1997. Bardes, Barbara A., Steffen W. Schmidt, and Mack C. Shelley. American Government and Politics Today. Belmont: West Wadsworth, 1997. Bender, David L., Bruno Leone, Lori Shein, and Bonnie Szumski. y. Inequality. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1998. Blackman, Ann. â€Å"Affirmative Action.† Time March 1995: 11-13.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Assignment on Cell Phone Essay

â€Å"Watson, come here: I want you.† This was the first message ever transmitted from one place to another, through a device called Telephone. Alexander Graham bell the American genius along with his assistant Thomas Watson invented this machine in 1876. It was March 10, 1876, an important day for the human civilization when this great machine was invented and it was the first step towards developing the means of communication. Since then we have come across a long way. Various means were added to the means of communication. Today, telephone is a part of our everyday life. Besides telephone, mobile phones are playing a great role to communicate massages from one place to another. It has become an integral part of life in all over the world. Today, telecommunication is one the major part of life. Nowadays, phone is not only using for making calls, among many other functions it’s used for text messaging, multimedia messaging and also even to connect us to the internet. Due to its various functionality it has a greater impact not only in the economy as well as in the society. Bangladesh is talking like never before. The phenomenal growth of the telecom industry over the last two decades has considerable changed the way people interact. The impact is seen among all spheres of people in Bangladesh. But the most significant impact is seen among the young users of cell phone. Telecommunications allows better access to services that enhance a society’s health and wellbeing such as healthcare and social services. Amongst the many implications of research is that poor and rural populations benefit most from mobile telephony because they are least likely to have alternatives. In view of this, the cross subsidies in Bangladesh from mobile to fixed users, from the poor to the rich, are especially damaging. There are a number of ways that mobile services can promote cohesion in families and society. For example, a cheap mobile service allows families and communities to remain as a coherent unit when family members are away for long periods. In cases where a family member is abroad either temporarily or permanently it allows the family unit to remain intact as well as generating inbound international call revenues. Due to intense competition among the operators, every company is trying to provide cheap call rate which is benefiting the users. Young people are benefitting most in this regard since they lack income sources. A cheap mobile service keeps them in touch with families and relatives thus strengthening social bodings. But every coin has two faces. The telecommunication companies in our country have been inclined towards introducing new and alternative packages for young people like Djuice & Bondhu by Grameenphone, Desh by Banglalink, Shorol by Robi and many more. The question arises why companies are so aggressively coming up with such packages without the social mobilization to check the mindset of youth. How they are facilitating their users by such packages which offer lower call rate at midnight. Except on very urgent occasions ordinarily no one would like to talk after midnight. In our youth segment the majority is student community that is spell bounded by these packages. They are losing their essence of their studies. They are derailing and deviating themselves. They are getting away for their goals, destinies and motives. Their minds are becoming stagnant and static. Creativity and innovation is blocked by the consistent telephonic conversations spread over the whole of night. They are losing their interest towards the interactions and sociality. Alienation is increasing within small community or groups of people. In home young hardly get time to spend with their parents. In one room of hostels all four members are strangers to one another. They never try to tie up the relation because they don’t have a pinch of time. By talking whole night with opposite sex, they are getting psychologically weak and pressured. There are more other physical disorders also experiencing by the youth due to spending the precious time which is needed for compulsory rest, relaxation, relief and mental health. Due to spending whole nights over phone the absenteeism is skyrocketing in every profession. They are going far and far away from the hold of families. They tell lies and have false communication with their parents thus seriously jeopardizing the social relationship. They are deceiving the decisions, trust and expectations of their parents. They are traveling towards the lone parent family system in which one is not accountable to anyone and he is the only decision maker. Suck kind of behavior is leading towards the social fragmentation and terrible decline of moral values in which respect is core one. Even their mental approach is revolving around sexual satisfaction. Other emotions and sentiments are pushed oblivion, they are forgetting that there are so many matters that need their kind attention. Which are making them socially challenged. The mobile companies have every right to work out innovative packages offering greater value of money to their customers. But they should not making profits by compromising on the interest of young generation. Youth spend a huge amount of money on mobile cellular services annually. Major amounts of their disposable income are going to the mobile telecom companies. In the name of competition companies are aggressively promoting their offerings without considering the welfare of the youth. Therefore, we all have to realize the worth and well being of our youth.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Examples of Confidence intervals for means

One of the major parts of inferential statistics is the development of ways to calculate confidence intervals. Confidence intervals provide us with a way to estimate a population parameter. Rather than say that the parameter is equal to an exact value, we say that the parameter falls within a range of values.   This range of values is typically an estimate, along with a margin of error that we add and subtract from the estimate. Attached to every interval is a level of confidence. The level of confidence gives a measurement of how often, in the long run, the method used to obtain our confidence interval captures the true population parameter. It is helpful when learning about statistics to see some examples worked out. Below we will look at several examples of confidence intervals about a population mean. We will see that the method we use to construct a confidence interval about a mean depends on further information about our population. Specifically, the approach that we take depends on whether or not we know the population standard deviation or not. Statement of Problems We start with a simple random sample of 25 a particular species of newts and measure their tails. The mean tail length of our sample is 5 cm. If we know that 0.2 cm is the standard deviation of the tail lengths of all newts in the population, then what is a 90% confidence interval for the mean tail length of all newts in the population?If we know that 0.2 cm is the standard deviation of the tail lengths of all newts in the population, then what is a 95% confidence interval for the mean tail length of all newts in the population?If we find that that 0.2 cm is the standard deviation of the tail lengths of the newts in our sample the population, then what is a 90% confidence interval for the mean tail length of all newts in the population?If we find that that 0.2 cm is the standard deviation of the tail lengths of the newts in our sample the population, then what is a 95% confidence interval for the mean tail length of all newts in the population? Discussion of the Problems We begin by analyzing each of these problems. In the first two problems we know the value of the population standard deviation. The difference between these two problems is that the level of confidence is greater in #2 than what it is for #1. In the second two problems the population standard deviation is unknown. For these two problems we will estimate this parameter with the sample standard deviation. As we saw in the first two problems, here we also have different levels of confidence. Solutions We will calculate solutions for each of the above problems. Since we know the population standard deviation, we will use a table of z-scores. The value of z that corresponds to a 90% confidence interval is 1.645. By using the formula for the margin of error we have a confidence interval of 5 – 1.645(0.2/5) to 5 1.645(0.2/5). (The 5 in the denominator here is because we have taken the square root of 25). After carrying out the arithmetic we have 4.934 cm to 5.066 cm as a confidence interval for the population mean.Since we know the population standard deviation, we will use a table of z-scores. The value of z that corresponds to a 95% confidence interval is 1.96. By using the formula for the margin of error we have a confidence interval of 5 – 1.96(0.2/5) to 5 1.96(0.2/5). After carrying out the arithmetic we have 4.922 cm to 5.078 cm as a confidence interval for the population mean.Here we do not know the population standard deviation, only the sample standard deviation. Thus we will use a table of t-scores. When we use a tabl e of t scores we need to know how many degrees of freedom we have. In this case there are 24 degrees of freedom, which is one less than sample size of 25. The value of t that corresponds to a 90% confidence interval is 1.71. By using the formula for the margin of error we have a confidence interval of 5 – 1.71(0.2/5) to 5 1.71(0.2/5). After carrying out the arithmetic we have 4.932 cm to 5.068 cm as a confidence interval for the population mean.Here we do not know the population standard deviation, only the sample standard deviation. Thus we will again use a table of t-scores. There are 24 degrees of freedom, which is one less than sample size of 25. The value of t that corresponds to a 95% confidence interval is 2.06. By using the formula for the margin of error we have a confidence interval of 5 – 2.06(0.2/5) to 5 2.06(0.2/5). After carrying out the arithmetic we have 4.912 cm to 5.082 cm as a confidence interval for the population mean. Discussion of the Solutions There are a few things to note in comparing these solutions. The first is that in each case as our level of confidence increased, the greater the value of z or t that we ended up with. The reason for this is that in order to be more confident that we did indeed capture the population mean in our confidence interval, we need a wider interval. The other feature to note is that for a particular confidence interval, those that use t are wider than those with z. The reason for this is that a t distribution has greater variability in its tails than a standard normal distribution. The key to correct solutions of these types of problems is that if we know the population standard deviation we use a table of z-scores. If we do not know the population standard deviation then we use a table of t scores.